Sunday, September 2, 2012

Where the Boom Bands are Playing

"Somehow you'll escape
all that waiting and staying.
You'll find the bright places
where Boom Bands are playing.

With banner flip-flapping,
once more you'll ride high!
Ready for anything under the sky.
Ready because you're that kind of a guy!

Oh, the places you'll go! There is fun to be done!"

Guten tag! (as they say here in Germany).  Many a kilometer has been traveled since last we wrote-- I believe our last report was from Koper, back in Slovenia.  After leaving Koper, we have spent the last couple of weeks (I honestly have no idea how long it has been... my sense of time is all messed up) using whatever manner of wiliness and transportation necessary to get to Trento, Italy.  There we met the most wonderful of couchsurfing hosts, Katia.  She took us to her family's lake house, where we swam to our hearts' content.  We played with her nieces and nephew, we ate delicious, traditional food until our stomachs threatened to burst. She took us hiking in the Dolomites.  She showed us around town.  She was, essentially, awesome.  

After Trento came a week of camping.  Again using whatever means necessary, we made our way slowly up the highway, forever heading north.  We camped.  We rode bicycles (free from one particular campground).  We swam.  Went to a horrible, horrible museum.  

And now, we are in Garmisch.  We have been the luckiest of travelers when it comes to places to stay:  while a few of the couchsurfing contacts we made ended up bailing on us at the last minute, we have met the most amazing people who welcome us into their homes.  First Polana, then Katia... now we are staying with two friends from back in the states.  Candace and Jacob (and their adorable little girl, Mila) are currently letting us crash in their living room and giving us a much-needed respite from the constant camping and moving around we have been experiencing as of late.  The fact that they are all awesome is just an added bonus.   

We aren't really sure what our plans are at this point.  We are hoping to take a few trips around Germany, hike, maybe do some sort of climbing in the mountains around here.  Our attempts to move our flights up were resoundingly unsuccessful-- the fee for changing dates was more than the cost of our original ticket.  But now, hanging out in a beautiful home with a view of the alps teasing us to go out and play... maybe that's not such a bad thing.