Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I won't apologize for the lack of communication.  Because we're having such an awesome time riding around the countryside and meeting the most incredible people. 

We're currently in Romania, in the relatively big town of Tecuci.  We've biked 502 km since we left the boat in Ukraine (those of you awesome folks who are donating based on our mileage, hope you're keeping track!).  Today is our first rest day-- we pulled into town late last night after one of our hardest days (long hills... one after the other... after the other... after the other... after-- well, you get the idea).  We're taking the opportunity to rest up, eat up, clean up, and catch up on our documentaries.  The clean up part was greatly needed-- it's been hot here.  We're eating as much as we possibly can, and taking every opportunity we can to eat ice cream (we're already on number three today, and it's only 5:00.  The catching up on documentaries is just for fun-- we're learning about the rough life in Tasmania right now.

We're heading towards the Transfagarashan pass, heading further and further west tomorrow.  

The trip has been amazing so far-- partly because of the amazing people we've met along the way.  In Ukraine we were invited into a family's home and fed.  We talked for hours.  Oh, and they didn't really speak English... and our Russian leaves much to be desired. 

In Moldova we were taken in by Olga and Theo, a couple of people who have done their own long-distance bike trip.  They saw us when we stopped at a street fair, and caught us just as we were about to head out of town.  Overnight we all became friends, becoming more and more aware of how similar we all are as the night went on.  We spent a good part of the morning with them before they rode with us to the Romanian border and wished us well on our way. 

Now, I'm off to take my second shower of the day.  Insert some wisdom from the good Doctor... here.

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