Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Take Me Home

As most of you who read this blog know, Will and I flew home from Germany on September 13th.  Sorry for the delay in an update—we’ve both been a bit busy getting home, seeing family, and finding (or getting back to) work.

I’m going to try to keep updating this with posts that I meant to write while we were traveling, but couldn’t because of limited access to internet/computers or because I just had better things to do.  We’ll see how many of those I actually write.

Quick update on our last days out:

We climbed the Zugspitze, Germany’s highest mountain.  Friends of Jake’s were going and invited Will, me, and Nela (a Czech girl who was also staying with Jake and Candace) along for the ride.  It was a long day… made even longer for us, as we had to camp three kilometers away and wake up at 3:00 am to meet the others at the bottom of the mountain.  The sun rising over the mountains was beautiful.  The mountains were beautiful.  We kept making jokes about who was going to twirl in the fields and sing songs from “The Sound of Music”… but, to be perfectly honest, I kind of felt like twirling and singing just because it WAS so beautiful.  The one bad thing about the day was the fact that everyone in Germany had the same idea we did, so we followed a trail of people all the way up the mountain. 

We went swimming in a huge outdoor pool that was absolutely freezing.  The only reason I actually went in was the hoards of old ladies who gently heckled me until I was actually swimming. 

We hiked up to a waterfall.   We fixed up some bikes for Jake and rode around town.  We played hide-and-go-seek in the ruins of an old castle.

Made foam swords and had battles with Jake.   Walked and talked and cooked and played with Candace and Mila.

We cooked a “medieval” dinner for Candace and Jake, complete with an invitation written in German (thank you, google translate!), rotisserie-style chicken, two kinds of potatoes, three kinds of bread, and innumerable sides.  Fancy dress was required… or, as fancy as we could get.  Keep in mind… we’d been traveling for two months. 

Relaxed.  Enjoyed having a place to relax.

Flew home.  Randomly ended up on a flight with one of my friends from Peace Corps. 

Walked into the waiting hoard of family and friends who came to meet us at the airport.

And… Home.

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